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04 TT air suspension constantly adjusting after front spring replaceme

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Hey all, 


First off, what a great forum. I only recently discovered it, though I've been on Rennlist since 2001, so I can appreciate the usefulness of a good technical forum.


Anyway, on to the problem at hand. I just changed the left front air spring on my 04  Cayenne  Turbo after the metal casing popped, fortunately I was close enough to home where the air bag survived the trip home.  The job was pretty straight forward and all went smoothly as far as I could tell, though I've noticed the car is continually adjusting the air springs after I park the car. I've even noticed sitting at a stop light, it will start adjusting itself. Also, when I came out to the car this morning the front was sitting pretty low, I'd say the driver side is a half inch lower than the passenger side, and the front overall is an inch or two lower than the rear.


Does this sound like a leak? Or is there a re learn or calibration of the ride height sensors I need to do?


Thanks all,


Edited by Mike Markota
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Hey all, 


First off, what a great forum. I only recently discovered it, though I've been on Rennlist since 2001, so I can appreciate the usefulness of a good technical forum.


Anyway, on to the problem at hand. I just changed the left front air spring on my 04  Cayenne  Turbo after the metal casing popped, fortunately I was close enough to home where the air bag survived the trip home.  The job was pretty straight forward and all went smoothly as far as I could tell, though I've noticed the car is continually adjusting the air springs after I park the car. I've even noticed sitting at a stop light, it will start adjusting itself. Also, when I came out to the car this morning the front was sitting pretty low, I'd say the driver side is a half inch lower than the passenger side, and the front overall is an inch or two lower than the rear.


Does this sound like a leak? Or is there a re learn or calibration of the ride height sensors I need to do?


Thanks all,



Welcome to RennTech :welcome:

OK, let's start with the basics:  Did you put the system into its "service mode" before jacking it up and working on it?  Did you change any of the system sensors while doing this repair?  Did you recalibrate the leveling system after the repair?

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Thanks for the quick reply. I did put it in service mode, but did not mess with any sensors or re calibrate the leveling system. That said, I sprayed around the strut and fittings with soapy water and found a minuscule leak at the fitting into the air spring. I turned it another hair, the leak stopped, and all is well. The car is perfectly level and no longer adjusts.




Edited by Mike Markota
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Hey all, 


First off, what a great forum. I only recently discovered it, though I've been on Rennlist since 2001, so I can appreciate the usefulness of a good technical forum.


Anyway, on to the problem at hand. I just changed the left front air spring on my 04  Cayenne  Turbo after the metal casing popped, fortunately I was close enough to home where the air bag survived the trip home.  The job was pretty straight forward and all went smoothly as far as I could tell, though I've noticed the car is continually adjusting the air springs after I park the car. I've even noticed sitting at a stop light, it will start adjusting itself. Also, when I came out to the car this morning the front was sitting pretty low, I'd say the driver side is a half inch lower than the passenger side, and the front overall is an inch or two lower than the rear.


Does this sound like a leak? Or is there a re learn or calibration of the ride height sensors I need to do?


Thanks all,



Welcome to RennTech :welcome:

OK, let's start with the basics:  Did you put the system into its "service mode" before jacking it up and working on it?  Did you change any of the system sensors while doing this repair?  Did you recalibrate the leveling system after the repair?





I replaced my upper control arm and in doing so, I had to detach the air hose on the suspension to the air inlet valve.  I put it all back together again but as I drove around I get an air suspension fault.  I thought it had to do with the fact that I didn't replace the air inlet connection to the valve so I bought a new valve all together.  I replaced it yet I still get the error after driving around for about 2 minutes.  I did NOT put it in "Service Mode" because I didn't know I had to.  Is there some sort of re-calibration I have to do?  I have a Duratech analysis tool but I didn't see an option for the air suspension.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Hey all, 


First off, what a great forum. I only recently discovered it, though I've been on Rennlist since 2001, so I can appreciate the usefulness of a good technical forum.


Anyway, on to the problem at hand. I just changed the left front air spring on my 04  Cayenne  Turbo after the metal casing popped, fortunately I was close enough to home where the air bag survived the trip home.  The job was pretty straight forward and all went smoothly as far as I could tell, though I've noticed the car is continually adjusting the air springs after I park the car. I've even noticed sitting at a stop light, it will start adjusting itself. Also, when I came out to the car this morning the front was sitting pretty low, I'd say the driver side is a half inch lower than the passenger side, and the front overall is an inch or two lower than the rear.


Does this sound like a leak? Or is there a re learn or calibration of the ride height sensors I need to do?


Thanks all,



Welcome to RennTech :welcome:

OK, let's start with the basics:  Did you put the system into its "service mode" before jacking it up and working on it?  Did you change any of the system sensors while doing this repair?  Did you recalibrate the leveling system after the repair?





I replaced my upper control arm and in doing so, I had to detach the air hose on the suspension to the air inlet valve.  I put it all back together again but as I drove around I get an air suspension fault.  I thought it had to do with the fact that I didn't replace the air inlet connection to the valve so I bought a new valve all together.  I replaced it yet I still get the error after driving around for about 2 minutes.  I did NOT put it in "Service Mode" because I didn't know I had to.  Is there some sort of re-calibration I have to do?  I have a Duratech analysis tool but I didn't see an option for the air suspension.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



Year and model of the vehicle is always useful when answering these questions.


And yes, the Durametric system can recalibrate the ride height control system, and yes you should have put it into service mode before jacking it up or working on it.

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Mine is a 2005 Cayenne Turbo.  The height for each wheel looks off now.


So one thing folks need to remember.  The ride height control is based off of the upper control arm location.  Not the air bag directly.  An airbag replacement should not need a calibration.


Where you get into trouble is if the bag exploded and damaged the sensor linkage arms.


And as everyone has mentioned.....if you don't put it in service mode, the system will attempt to level the suspension and inflate the bags.  They will add stress to the suspension, potentially causing issues.

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How do you put it in service mode?


you push the ride height adjuster to the front (towards the radio) and hold it for about 10 sec.


you'll see a message come on the dash saying "regulation switched off" 



Edited by timwu12
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