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IMS "death rattle" ? part 2

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In regards to my pervious post regarding my 1999 996 C2 coupe 6 spd.( IMS "death rattle" ? ) I have though a lot about this and the noise is most likely a chain tensioner but I am going to go forward with my diagnostics and drain the oil, remove the filter and dissect it for evidence of debris. I will most likely pull the pan and up date it with the deeper pan, as I am planning on keeping the car for a long time. I bought this car with track days in mind as a replacement for the sport bikes I had for track days (getting to old for injuries) I want to do all the necessary upgrades on the drive train before I get into the suspension.

There seems to be quite a list for MY 99. This is what I have found.


IMS bearing

Chain tensioners

Oil pan

Replace , clutch and related parts

I would appreciate any additions to this list as well as the best source for parts / tools. I run modil 1 0- W – 40, changed every 3000 miles. Is there a better oil or weight I should run. On another note my brother has a 2005 Boxter S and recently had the transmission replaced, he had an issue with it popping out of 2nd gear. I don't know what the issue was but I would like to know if I should have a concern with my transmission or diff option codes 220 locking dif. 40% / 224 ABD. I will change the fluid in the transaxle when it is out of the car so I should also like to know the best fluid to use.

Thanks for the info on my previous post and all the other info found on this forum,

As my father has told me years ago when I bought my 74 carrara "old 911s never die they just go faster" I would like to prove him right.

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If it was me and I was concerned about something as serious an an IMS, I'd take it to your Porsche dealer and not mess around with trial and error.

In regards to my pervious post regarding my 1999 996 C2 coupe 6 spd.( IMS "death rattle" ? ) I have though a lot about this and the noise is most likely a chain tensioner but I am going to go forward with my diagnostics and drain the oil, remove the filter and dissect it for evidence of debris. I will most likely pull the pan and up date it with the deeper pan, as I am planning on keeping the car for a long time. I bought this car with track days in mind as a replacement for the sport bikes I had for track days (getting to old for injuries) I want to do all the necessary upgrades on the drive train before I get into the suspension.

There seems to be quite a list for MY 99. This is what I have found.


IMS bearing

Chain tensioners

Oil pan

Replace , clutch and related parts

I would appreciate any additions to this list as well as the best source for parts / tools. I run modil 1 0- W – 40, changed every 3000 miles. Is there a better oil or weight I should run. On another note my brother has a 2005 Boxter S and recently had the transmission replaced, he had an issue with it popping out of 2nd gear. I don't know what the issue was but I would like to know if I should have a concern with my transmission or diff option codes 220 locking dif. 40% / 224 ABD. I will change the fluid in the transaxle when it is out of the car so I should also like to know the best fluid to use.

Thanks for the info on my previous post and all the other info found on this forum,

As my father has told me years ago when I bought my 74 carrara "old 911s never die they just go faster" I would like to prove him right.

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In regards to my pervious post regarding my 1999 996 C2 coupe 6 spd.( IMS "death rattle" ? ) I have though a lot about this and the noise is most likely a chain tensioner but I am going to go forward with my diagnostics and drain the oil, remove the filter and dissect it for evidence of debris. I will most likely pull the pan and up date it with the deeper pan, as I am planning on keeping the car for a long time. I bought this car with track days in mind as a replacement for the sport bikes I had for track days (getting to old for injuries) I want to do all the necessary upgrades on the drive train before I get into the suspension.

There seems to be quite a list for MY 99. This is what I have found.


IMS bearing

Chain tensioners

Oil pan

Replace , clutch and related parts

I would appreciate any additions to this list as well as the best source for parts / tools. I run modil 1 0- W – 40, changed every 3000 miles. Is there a better oil or weight I should run. On another note my brother has a 2005 Boxter S and recently had the transmission replaced, he had an issue with it popping out of 2nd gear. I don't know what the issue was but I would like to know if I should have a concern with my transmission or diff option codes 220 locking dif. 40% / 224 ABD. I will change the fluid in the transaxle when it is out of the car so I should also like to know the best fluid to use.

Thanks for the info on my previous post and all the other info found on this forum,

As my father has told me years ago when I bought my 74 carrara "old 911s never die they just go faster" I would like to prove him right.

consider an accumsump and a deeper pan and/or an X51 baffle. These engines are known to starve the #6 bearing with obvious poor consequences.

I'd look are a new AOS, or at least check out the j-tube to make sure its not passing too much oil.

depending on mileage I would check the water pump.

I have also read that the power steering needs an additional cooler if you are tracking the car.

goto sunset porsche for parts, make whatever tools you can and pick up the rest from sunset..

sounds like your brother had a 2nd gear synchro problem. -- I have heard of a few. Not aware if there is anything preventative or repairable about that failure.

good luck on the track.


Edited by txhokie4life
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Of course if you take it to your Porsche dealer they are going to tell you you need a Re-manufactured engine. That is pretty much standard at the dealers. High profit low knowledge solution. If you are dropping the pan and checking the filter you will see any contamination, but the rattle you are hearing is most likely the tensioners. If you drop the trans/engine you can have a good look at the IMS bearing. And few dealers are doing this upgrade. Not a OEM part, etc. etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it was me and I was concerned about something as serious an an IMS, I'd take it to your Porsche dealer and not mess around with trial and error.

When troubleshooting a problem, the dealership is probably the last place you should take a car.

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I hate to jump in and maybe hijack a topic, but I am in the market for a similar car and making a budget/list of upgrades and preventive maintenance items that I would like to do early on in owning the car. IMS retrofit from LN Engineering, RMS replacement, new clutch, flywheel while I'm at it, a new AOS, a new water pump, upgraded oil pan, a good car cover, screw-on oil filter adapter kit, a Durametric, jack pads, etc. are all on the list.

But chain tensioners weren't. Can someone point me to a good link explaining the problem and, most importantly, instructions or guidelines for a DIY fix? My understanding is that there are three chain tensioners in the engine (IMS, left-side cylinders, and right-side cylinders) and that the IMS one is the problem child. Do you need to drop the engine to get at it or can it be done with just the transmission out of the car? Thanks.

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The engine should be locked at 1 TDC. The IMS and 1-3 tensioners are very easy to get to from under the engine on the flywheel side. 4-6 is a pain as it is on top and hard to get access to without unbolting the A/C compressor.

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