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Damaged 2003 C2 cab for sale

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Hello there,

I live in Lebanon, in the middle east.

A 2003 Carrera 2 Cabriolet sells here between $35,000 and $40,000.

There is a 2003 Carrera 2 Cabriolet, it has been in an accident on the front left fender.

It is owned by a millionaire that owns maybe 30 cars. It was damaged in 2007 and hasn't been fixed ever since, instead he just bought another one!

It just sits there in his huge land and teases me so i asked if he would sell it to me.

It has only ran 35,000 KM , six-speed manual , and has the hard top too.

How much should i pay for it ?

Since it has been sitting there for 3 years without firing up the engine, what is it that should be done to the engine?

I attached some pictures, and was wondering if i could get some help estimating what parts i need and how much it would cost me.

Thanks in advance!

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It´s very difficult to estimate the damage by the photos.

Remember the Porsche parts are very expensive (just Porsche makes them), especially for the bodywork. 15.000 $ is nothing in your project, plus the labor. Apart from sheetmetal parts, there are numerous hoses and other bits and pieces you will need, and they are not cheap.

Of course you can try to search used parts, but that´s a long way to go, and will take a while...

Good luck!

Kare, Spain

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The thing is that if i buy one from the states i will have to pay $16,500 for shipping and customs, and $4000 in registration...

if they're selling for $28,000 in the states, it would cost me $48,500...

I do not want to spend that much, i have time and patience to fix this one up... :)

I need to know what parts are obviously needed. is there a radiator behind the bumper on the left ?

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Look at the numbers involved. The entire front-end will require reconditioning. New sheet metal. New fender. (I'm not sure but is that part of the frame which surrounds the trunk/boot?) That needs to be replaced/repaired too. A/C fans are probably damaged. There is potential damage to the brake system (sitting in the trunk). The car probably needs a new paint job from having that much dirt sitting on it plus to match all the new parts. The interior needs a serious amount of reconditioning and new airbags. New set of tires. Not to mention the work to recondition an engine that hasn't been run for 3 years. (You should NOT start the engine until you've had a chance to flush the oil and fuel system, and replace the cooling system's radiator.) Front-end suspension is probably in need of replacement as well.

Let's say you have $20,000 in repair work. Are you going to buy this car from the guy for $1,000 or $2,000? Even after spending $15-20k in repairs the car probably won't drive right anyway. If he wants $10,000 or even $5,000 you're close to $25k-$30k!

Why spend all that money and time when you can save a little more and buy one undamaged for $35,000?

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Why don't you have a local body shop/repair technican come look at the car? Even if you had to pay him somthing it would be money saved in the end and keep you from making a gross miscalculation! I think itt is going to cost you a fortune to fix that car and you still dont know how it will drive! Frame twisted etc...

Good Luck!

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Even if the frame is not bent, and you are able to repair the exterior, the interior, front suspension etc etc...

Then you get to think "Is the engine ok?"

If it has just been sitting there a few years, well, good luck running that motor for any amount.

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Wow - walk away :) Looks like the frame is bent, plus I imagine the impact caught the front wheel, so brakes, axel, tires, bent wheel, plus cooling system, all that body work..... yuck

Buy it for $500.... then buy a used one from the US and use this one for parts and perhaps a spare engine if you ever need it.....


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If you got the car free it would still cost massive amounts to repair and I always find that vehicles that have been in a major collision such as this one will have endless creaks and rattles if you do get them back on the road. Whatever you think think it will cost to repair- double it. It's deployed the air bag and has been sitting open and exposed to the element so it will have hidden faults besides the body damage. Unless you have deep pocket and a great sense of humor I would stay far away from such a car.

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thank you all for your contribution :)

i think i can get the car for $5000

I want to bring this puppy back to life!

it is a shame for a Porsche to sit there in the dust.

A friend of mine suggested to do the 997 conversion on it

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Wow - walk away :) Looks like the frame is bent, plus I imagine the impact caught the front wheel, so brakes, axel, tires, bent wheel, plus cooling system, all that body work..... yuck

Buy it for $500.... then buy a used one from the US and use this one for parts and perhaps a spare engine if you ever need it.....


Now that is a good idea!

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I almost beg you not to buy this for 5K and try to repair it. Get it for 2500 (or less) and part it out over the next year. You might make enough profit to pay for the shipping for a complete car from the states. That said, you need a market for the parts and I'm not sure you have one where you live...

Even if you do rebuilt this it will never have any value as a used car since no one will buy it with a rebuild history like you are anticipating..


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if frame is not bent too much (local body shop will get it for you) and suspension/steering is intact the rest is not that problematic. look at the list of main body parts so call it $5k for body parts repair, you will need PIWIS for airbag repairs (they will be around $2k with all bits and pieces), headlight, pipes, radiator, you can get from e-bay, dismantlers, call it another $2k. worse case you can selll it for parts and get you $5k back


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Rammi if you wont buy it please send me a PM i will buy it for the engine.

i am a lebanese too and i need a used engine for a 996 as i was just ripped off by a local mechanic :(

ahlan b kil el libneniye....

Rammi the car has a saudi license plate, and looks like it's been sitting in the dessert for a while, i can't see how a car with Saudi license plate could stay in lebanon for 3 years without moving, the lebanese customs rules are that you have to take the car out of the country every 6 months. and the car can stay a maximum of 2 years then it has to have it's Trip ticket renewed.

if you're interested in porsche wrecks like the one in the attached pictures, there's a lot here in dubai and i work with a lot of people who can assess the extent of the damage...

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This car has disaster written all over it. Unless you have an EXTREMELY competent body shop in Lebanon, do not touch this car unless you want to part it out. You will be stunned at the parts that need to be replaced once an expert looks over the car and that doesn't even address the engine.

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Rammi if you wont buy it please send me a PM i will buy it for the engine.

i am a lebanese too and i need a used engine for a 996 as i was just ripped off by a local mechanic :(

ahlan b kil el libneniye....

Rammi the car has a saudi license plate, and looks like it's been sitting in the dessert for a while, i can't see how a car with Saudi license plate could stay in lebanon for 3 years without moving, the lebanese customs rules are that you have to take the car out of the country every 6 months. and the car can stay a maximum of 2 years then it has to have it's Trip ticket renewed.

if you're interested in porsche wrecks like the one in the attached pictures, there's a lot here in dubai and i work with a lot of people who can assess the extent of the damage...

hi man

i am lebanese living in bahrain, if there is a way to find a wreck 996 c2 in dubai with a good engine and acceptable price i can come and buy it.


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Rammi if you wont buy it please send me a PM i will buy it for the engine.

i am a lebanese too and i need a used engine for a 996 as i was just ripped off by a local mechanic :(

ahlan b kil el libneniye....

Rammi the car has a saudi license plate, and looks like it's been sitting in the dessert for a while, i can't see how a car with Saudi license plate could stay in lebanon for 3 years without moving, the lebanese customs rules are that you have to take the car out of the country every 6 months. and the car can stay a maximum of 2 years then it has to have it's Trip ticket renewed.

if you're interested in porsche wrecks like the one in the attached pictures, there's a lot here in dubai and i work with a lot of people who can assess the extent of the damage...

hi man

i am lebanese living in bahrain, if there is a way to find a wreck 996 c2 in dubai with a good engine and acceptable price i can come and buy it.


i assume you want a 3.4l variocam engine for DME 7.2? will keep an eye out and let you know.


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