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I own a 1999 carrera I opened up the top everything went fine. When I got home my hand brake would not engaged so I performed the "emergency operation" for the top as stated on the manual and got the top to close. Found out later a piece of paper got stuck between the hand brake and the switch which prevented it from engaging. So after getting the hand brake to engage again I tried to open the top it is just stuck. You can hear a clicking noise, indicator light would be solid then blink. Do I need to reset the anything or reverse the operation for it to work??? Mind you it did work before that whole hand brake paper situation. Thanks!


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From what I remember, If you perform the emergency top operation.

The center screw you turn behind the rear seats I believe needs to re-installed with lock-tite because it disengages from the motor when you do it manually.

Once this is properly done, only then can you perform the top calibration with a scantool such as the piwis

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  • 9 months later...

I'm stuck in the open position.
I tried the emergency close mode listed in the owners manual,
Turned the crew at least 90+ times counter clockwise with no results. Did the cables snap? if they did I should be able to pull the clamshell open by hand.
There must me a latch that's stuck or broken in the close position.
while cranking the screw it seemed to lose tension after turn 10, now it seems to be just spinning.
Electric motor runs for a ±10 seconds then times out.
any tips would be great I haven't seen this problem posted.

BTW:looking through the open flaps with a flashlight the rams seem dry, not indicating a leak.

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I'm stuck in the open position.

I tried the emergency close mode listed in the owners manual,

Turned the crew at least 90+ times counter clockwise with no results. Did the cables snap? if they did I should be able to pull the clamshell open by hand.

There must me a latch that's stuck or broken in the close position.

while cranking the screw it seemed to lose tension after turn 10, now it seems to be just spinning.

Electric motor runs for a ±10 seconds then times out.

any tips would be great I haven't seen this problem posted.

BTW:looking through the open flaps with a flashlight the rams seem dry, not indicating a leak.

There are two different holes, one for bypassing the hydraulic pump so the actual top can be moved and one for manually running the clamshell. Make sure you're in the correct hole (LOL). If you are, try turning the screw while someone pulls on the clamshell.

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Got the clam shell open.... back seats removed, pop up roll bar removed, clamshell electric motor removed inserted a 1/4" extension into the clam shell transmission then cranked it open.
I will add some fluid, it closed but needed a bit of help at the end of the travel.
now I have to figure out if the motor is bad or the micro switches are bad.
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