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ANTIFREEZE - "here kitty kitty"

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Okay, don't judge me based on the title. I love animals, and wouldn't do that, BUT.....

I recently moved and the first night at the new place, I had to park my car outside because the garage was full of boxes. Needlesstosay, on my drive to work the next morning, I noticed cat paw-prints on the rear plastic window (2001 S). My first concern was that it punctured the window or something. Well, I got out and checked it, and no punctures. Good thing!

So, after sitting out in the sun and humidity for the day, I got in for my drive home and sure enough I noticed WTF the cat was doing on the soft top! IT PISSED ON THE ROOF. The inside of my car smelled like ammonia and plain funk! - yeah yeah, real funny! Bastard cat marking his sleep spot I presume!

So, it pissed on the lower driver's side corner just below the plastic window. Immediately I went out and bought enzyme odor fighters and the such, and sprayed the outside, and inside of the roof. What I don't understand is how it got into the car? Isn't the top supposed to protect from exterior elements? I guess the molecules of PissFunk are just too small? Anyway, if you have ever owned cats, you know that smell remains for a lifetime.

If you have suggestions or know how to rid the odor completely (aside from keeping the top down all the time), then please, I am open to suggestions!

Thanks, and hope you enjoyed the pathetic story!

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The enzyme cleaner will work but it takes time. It goes after the "Organic" material and breaks it down without damaging carpet/vinyl material. It works on wheels/tires too. Bio-clean is one brand but there are many others. Use it liberally and in a week or so you will be April fresh once again.

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Yeah, it isn't very funny. It did however get me off my A$$ to clean out the garage that's for sure. No more parking outside even with a car cover. I figure if my top didn't keep it out, no car cover was going to either.

I sure hope the enzyme cleaner works. I have already started pricing tops :-\

I have noticed that the smell is hard to detect on the exterior, but I suppose that is because of its direct exposure to the elements. On the inside, I apply the enzyme liberally, but my concern is that I might cause corrosion to the top's tension arms and/or metal supports. As I spray under the window, the run off goes deeper into the top than what I can see or blot dry. I am sure all the metal components are getting drenched.

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Yeah, it isn't very funny. It did however get me off my A$$ to clean out the garage that's for sure. No more parking outside even with a car cover. I figure if my top didn't keep it out, no car cover was going to either.

cats like to pee on car covers, too. ask me how i know! <_<

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Ok. You don't need to spray enzyme cleaner everywhere but you do need to find "the spot" and soak "the spot" thoroughly. It takes several days to work completely. There is life after cat pee. They used to hit my wheels all the time. Now I have a big black dog. She loves cats... they taste like chicken.

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Sorry to hear about your situation. I don't think it's funny. Prob why the others moved out! Get a have-a-heart trap and take little kitty for a ride. I don't have any suggestions for the odor.

I agree with PJSslow....I used to have a herd of cats that pissed on everything. I made the mistake of leaving the window open on my truck one night. That took about 6 months to get the smell out...I just got the humane traps...rented them from the SPCA...caught them and took the trap and contents back to the SPCA...as long as you do it humanely, and the cats are on your property, you can't get into any hot water. However you may want to trap them where folks can't see the traps. Sometimes you will incur the wrath of the animal lovers and find your car keyed or other "happenings". Don't get me wrong...I do not dislike cats....but I do dislike the God awful pee-smell and cat crap they leave in the flower beds and in/on certain objects around the house. The fact you have the car in the garage will take care of part of the problem.

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You don't need to spray enzyme cleaner everywhere but you do need to find "the spot" and soak "the spot" thoroughly

ROFL, of course I do that, not the entire top! Although I am tempted. It is just in a very difficult spot to get to!

I have determined that the cat is my neighbor's "outside cat". :-\ You think I can convince the neighbor to buy me a new top? They will probably request DNA evidence!

cats like to pee on car covers, too. ask me how i know!
- Chris_in_NH -

I have to ask how you know? please share in my misery!!!!

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You don't need to spray enzyme cleaner everywhere but you do need to find "the spot" and soak "the spot" thoroughly

ROFL, of course I do that, not the entire top! Although I am tempted. It is just in a very difficult spot to get to!

I have determined that the cat is my neighbor's "outside cat". :-\ You think I can convince the neighbor to buy me a new top? They will probably request DNA evidence!

cats like to pee on car covers, too. ask me how i know!
- Chris_in_NH -

I have to ask how you know? please share in my misery!!!!

There are some spot removers that will keep animals off for good. They just don't like the smell.

Go to a Pet store and ask them what they have to keep the cats off. There is plenty of stuff out there.

For now just put some tin foil on the top of the car. It will scare the cat silly if they step on it and they

won't return to try it again.

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I have a cat. He is sitting beside me right now looking at me. If he pissed on my car I would be drowning his *** in the toilet and burying the evidence in the backyard never mind if it was a neighbors cat.

If the cat did damage to the top on the car you should be asking for them to pay for the cleaning cost and or replacement of the top if it doesn't come out. They are responsible for the damage their pets cause to others property no matter how you slice it.

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In my neighborhood, cats are prohibited from roaming freely by law. What irks me is owners who feel they are above the law and allow their pets to disturb the rest of us. I caught one in my garage one time and drop kicked that sucker halfway down the block. We have a neighbor who sets traps and takes them to the animal control...problem is they keep coming back. Maybe we need to eradicate the owner?

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Sorry to hear your plight with the cat(s) and your car getting stunk up. Some number of years ago I had the same trouble with cats. The neighbor across the street had their "breeding stock" inside their house. When the count would get above say 40 or so they'd boot them out. Yup, they would end up ay my house pissing on everything, fighting at night, on and on. By recommendation from animal control, I purchased two live traps (tender traps) and set them out each night. It took about two years but I finally ended the plague. The neighbor finally caught on the "heard" was dwindling and decided to keep the last few indoors. I remember trapping 4 cats/week for 18 months = 288 or there about. The song birds returned, air was fresh again and I could sleep through the night. Use the real cheap stinky cat food for bait. Place it in the rear of the trap, in foil wired to the bottom of the trap. At 9 cents a can it worked out to about 2 cents/cat. All cats trapped were taken unharmed to animal control and none had tags or collars.

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I completely feel your pain! In my old place I had cats around me as well. They would jump on my cars as soon as I got home (in my driveway, on my property :censored: ). So after my car had some scratches on it I went to my neighbor and told them I was going to have exterior of my car detailed at $200 bucks and they would have to pay the bill. And if that did not remove the scratches then they would have to cover whatever costs were associated with the removal. I don't hate cats but I do hate the irresponsible owners that think their cat has access to everything around not just their property. I don't let my dog go to anyones house and take a crap on their lawn so why the hell do people let their cats jump on others property. Anyway, as it was said before, make the cat owner feel the pain via the wallet. They need to be responsible or else get rid of the animal :soapbox:

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Have you tried puttin the top in service mode and checking the greyish blackish foam for cat pee? im sure some leaked in there. In service mode you can also spray your cleaner on the underside of the pee spot.

AH, good idea. Thanks, I will give it a shot.

Summer time is looming, and we expect a few months over 100 degrees Celsius, so maybe that will cook it off! It has gotten a little better, but I won't really know until we have a hot+humid day - those seem the worst.

Man, it is just crappy that everyone who has had similar problems has to do all the leg work and deal with the stress of others irresponsibilities - par for the course unfortunately!

Thanks to everyone for helping me deal. My boxster is my getaway, my relaxation and excitement! My sanctuary at times!

**** CAT!

:: off to buy a pitbull (or two) ::

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Have you tried puttin the top in service mode and checking the greyish blackish foam for cat pee? im sure some leaked in there. In service mode you can also spray your cleaner on the underside of the pee spot.

Thanks to everyone for helping me deal. My boxster is my getaway, my relaxation and excitement! My sanctuary at times!

**** CAT!

:: off to buy a pitbull (or two) ::

Tushay, may I suggest investing in a 22' magnum, you'll find that will sort any garden variety pest out... that way you only have to feed the gun what you feed the cat, lead :D

Had a cat claw my top, theres a few fibres loose due to that little bastard, not to mention the cat hair that was pritty much glued to the top :cursing:

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I've read that lion dung keeps them away. Seriously, and I believe it is available.

Well hell yah, why didn't I think of that. It will probably scare the livn' poop out of all varieties of garden pests! Now how will I know that what I order is really Lion poop versus some fat trucker's special! ROFL

That reminds me of a story from back in my college days...

A friend of mine was living with a family for a few months, and they had 5 Dachshunds. The dogs decided to go into my friends room and ***** all over his stuff. So, when he found out, he went over to their cage and did the same. He pissed on their cages, and according to him, on the dogs so they wouldn't forget him! Crazy.

Hmmm, maybe I should ***** on my car???

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I've read that lion dung keeps them away. Seriously, and I believe it is available.

Hmmm, maybe I should ***** on my car???

noway! imagine what the acidic values of the urine would do to the paint

Find the cat and ***** on it :thumbup:

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